With a new Exco on board (mixture of old faces in different roles and brand new faces), we hope to see great things happening in Bangsar Toastmasters Club.
Our focus this term will be on the 3Fs – Fulfillment, Fun and Fellowship.
Let’s have a great term, fulfilling our goals, having fun and making friends.
See you at club meetings.
“Make It Happen!”
Lourdes Chandramohan, DTM
President (Elect)(2006-2007)
President (Elect) | : | Lourdes Chandramohan | DTM |
V/P (Education) | : | Ivan Fong | CTM |
V/P (Membership) | : | Shandini Dewi | CTM |
V/P (Public Relations) | : | Lakhmichand M.A. | ATMB |
Secreatry | : | Shanmugam Ganesan | CTM |
Treasurer | : | Ranjit SIngh | CTM |
Sergeant-at-arms | : | Letchuman Nagaiah | |
Immediate Past President | : | Muhendaran Suppiah | ATMS |
Last term, under the able leadership of President Muhendaran, Bangsar Toastmasters reached an important milestone in its 5-year existence. We achieved the President’s Distiguished Club, getting 9 out of 10 points. The President’s Distinguished Club is a rocognition from Toastmaster’s International that the club is well managed, members are progressing well in terms of education and we have a healthy membership. Kudos to the Exco of 2005-2006. Of course, everything starts from a foundation laid down by others in the past. Past Presidents Lakhmichand and Ivan Fong set the stage earlier on, with Bangsar TMC achieving the Distingushed Club status during the term of 2004-2005 – Ivan Fong was the President. This term we will continue this momentum. Our target this term is the President’s Distinguished Club, with 10 out of 10 points and with 26 members.
The theme for this term is “Make It Happen!”. The theme was specially chosen to reflect our ‘can do’ attitude within the club. Bangsar TMC has built a reputation for being a club serious about helping its members be better communicators. Our members are well respected within the Toastmasters community; hence our need to continuously improve ourselves and being seen as shining examples of what being a Toastmaster is all about.
Our focus this term will be on the 3Fs – Fulfillment, Fun and Fellowship.
We all join Toastmasters to fulfill some sort of need we have within ourselves, be it to improve our speaking skills, leadership skills, listening skills, make new friends, learn to socialise, build up our self-esteem, overcome nervousness, etc. Whatever the reason maybe, we want you to “Make It Happen!” Take the step to analyse your needs, put your plan in place and make it happen. The club environment should be conducive to this and we will help make it such within reason. But the effort must come from the members themselves.
On our part, we will focus on providing the platform for members to present speeches; receive helpful evaluations, support and encouragement.
On our part, we will focus on providing the platform for members to present speeches; receive helpful evaluations, support and encouragement.
The club environment will be a fun environment. We want members to look forward to coming to meetings. We want them to leave having spent two fun hours in the meeting – learning, enjoying themselves and progressing. To provide this environment every member must play his/her part – prepare well for roles, speeches, and evaluations, make an effort to mingle around, take up supporting roles in club activities, respect other club members and help out where needed.
The club is nothing if not for its members. Fellowship is what keeps people staying in the club – friends helping friends be better. Bangsar TMC members should get to know each other a little better and help each other grow. Then meetings will be more fun and productive. We will initiate activities to help members have time for fellowship (see below for what has been planned).
Everyone must play his part to make Bangsar TMC a better club, not just the Exco. Following are some the activities that have already been planned in the near future and you can volunteer to help out:
Everyone must play his part to make Bangsar TMC a better club, not just the Exco. Following are some the activities that have already been planned in the near future and you can volunteer to help out:
29th Aug | Role-playing workshop (or something that members can get full benefit from) We will confirm this soon. Please volunteer to help... Organising Chair: Shanmugam |
5th Sep | Club Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests! Please start signing up with Lakhmichand either as contestants or role-players... Organising Chair: Lakhmichand. |
30th Sep | Bangsar TMC’s Installation Dinner. We are setting up a committee for this fun event. Again, you can volunteer. Organising Chair: Shandini Dewi. |
Membership Committeee. Chairman: Ivan Fong. Other members: Lakhmichand, Ranjit Singh. You can volunteer to be part of this committee too. We have set a target of 10 new members by end of 2006. The committee will have a plan in place by 18th July on how to drive the membership programs and all of us will then have to help make these programs successful and bring in new members. | |
Buddy System - We have also launched the Buddy System where each member will have a buddy or mentor. The buddy will be the one person who will continuously encourage the member to attend meetings, provide feedback and encouragement as well as someone the member can turn to for advice on preparing for roles, speeches or other Toastmasters related matters. |
Let’s have a great term, fulfilling our goals, having fun and making friends.
See you at club meetings.
“Make It Happen!”
Lourdes Chandramohan, DTM
President (Elect)(2006-2007)